
Showing posts from March, 2013

Family Yoga ~ Celebrate Spring!

Family Yoga Saturday, April 6 10:30-11:30am Come Celebrate Springtime with an interactive story, yoga poses, breathing exercises, music, imagination, and more! All ages welcome.  Please RSVP with Maria at or 702-580-0851.  $10 admits the whole family.


Saturday, April 20, 9:00am – 5:00pm To register, call or email: 605.376.6531 renewalinstitut Barbara starts your day with insights into how and why you chose your particular belief systems. Then, by utilizing a simple test, she allows you to ascertain your beliefs, opening the door to shifting any unwanted patterns! Next, Sheryl brings your attention to reworking your belief system, providing an opportunity to activate, uplift and reformulate your belief system with useful tools. After you have identified and shifted out old beliefs, Jenny shows you how to physically get them out of your system and incorporating whole foods to nurture new, self-loving attitudes. Last, through breath work, Dawn enables you to start deep detoxification now. Breathe out the old and welcome in the new with an experiential breathing session, complete with affirmations that reinforce healthier beliefs. $145.00 per person for the day. Want to receive a discount? Ask us how you ...

New - Meditation Group

A gracious group met for a Guide to Meditation Class with Jill Moncur on Saturday afternoon.  Candlelight, meditation and open discussion led to the determination that this group will meet again.  If you were unable to attend the class on Saturday and have an interest, please check the calendar  within the next couple of weeks for the next session date/time.