What does light talk about? When you recognize her beauty The eye applauds The heart stands in ovation And the tongue when she is near is on it’s best behavior It speaks more like light What does light talk about? I asked a plant that once It said I am not sure but it makes me grow The invitation is to attune to lightness in your souls Join us at East Bank Yoga starting in December All Levels Yoga from 6:00-7:00pm Alleviate tension and strain physically, while simultaneously encouraging mental growth, clarity and peace. Physically yoga helps in stretching tight muscles while strengthening weak muscles. Additional benefits of a yoga practice include cardio and circulatory health, reducing stress and have frequently been correlated with a stronger immune system. Join me in a mindful paced practice. Tuesdays Reserve a Yoga Class, 7:10-8:00pm Class options include, Vinyasa, Very Beginners Yoga, Hatha, and Restorative Yoga. $40.00 Reserve a m...
Showing posts from November, 2017