Yoga reshapes the mind. Yoga reshapes the body. Yoga means to unite mind and body. Yoga means so much more.
Yoga began with meditation; the postures came
later. Some of the oldest or ancient
postures have so many benefits. Some of
the same lineage of postures also need to be adapted to modern lifestyle.
Last year I finished a 9-month study course
from the Self Realization Fellowship. My
meditation feels more sacred. I still
work through problems like everyone else. I am grateful for the lessons from
SRF and continuing education.
I turn to my yoga practice for sacred peace. I move to my yoga practice to enjoy strength. Yoga is definitely fun.
We often want a quick fix, however yoga is a
path, a journey.
From a physical perspective simply put and
why not to the call of Mick Jagger, you got to move. You don’t hear people saying, “I love to sit
around all day.” Yoga feels good. Yoga
is taking time to notice nuances, release, and staying within your range of
intelligent edge. Yoga is about moving
your joints so they are hydrated and feed your body. Yoga is about stepping back, stepping in,
tuning into Ajna, inner wisdom.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May all
beings be happy and free and may my actions contribute to them.
Yoga classes take place every Tuesday from
East Bank Yoga. There are live classes
taught at Hill Stainless on 4100 N. Northview Avenue in Sioux Falls and Zoom
classes. Both classes provide relaxing
instruction and technique. Private and
prenatal classes are also available. Registration is required for all classes
24 hours in advance of class.
Reserve your spot for yoga by emailing or texting
605.759.7459. Payment is due at
class. $15.00 drop-in rate or punch card
discounts are available. Cash, Venmo or
check accepted.
Wishes of peace to your day,
Jill Moncur, E-RYT-200