
Yoga reshapes the mind.   Yoga reshapes the body.   Yoga means to unite mind and body. Yoga means so much more. Yoga began with meditation; the postures came later.   Some of the oldest or ancient postures have so many benefits.   Some of the same lineage of postures also need to be adapted to modern lifestyle. Last year I finished a 9-month study course from the Self Realization Fellowship.   My meditation feels more sacred.   I still work through problems like everyone else. I am grateful for the lessons from SRF and continuing education. I turn to my yoga practice for sacred peace.   I move to my yoga practice to enjoy strength.   Yoga is definitely fun. We often want a quick fix, however yoga is a path, a journey. From a physical perspective simply put and why not to the call of Mick Jagger, you got to move.   You don’t hear people saying, “I love to sit around all day.” Yoga feels good.   Yoga is taking time to notice nuan...
  I Love Paths We are fortunate to have beautiful bike paths around here.   Last year along the trail I encountered a fox, multiple deer and best of all, in 3 different locations, 3 very large turtles.   It was an honor to spend a little time looking at the turtle, wise, beautiful and a bit intimidating on one side as I ran on the other side of the path.   We can learn so much from experiencing nature. I appreciate the chakra path. Spending time in nature connecting connects me to my root chakra. Dancing connects me with Swadisthana, the sacral chakra. Marathons and now 13-mile bike rides I connect with Manipura chakra. Studying nature and yoga, I connect with Anahata, heart chakra Chanting is an excellent way to connect with Vissudha, the throat chakra. Daily meditation connects with Ajna ~ third eye chakra Connecting with Sahasrara can be a combination of discipline and yoga. Welcome Back There were times you did not succeed. Walking on the ...
I am super happy with the new location for East Bank Yoga operating out of Hills Stainless Steel, 4100 N. Northview Ave, Sioux Falls, SD.   It’s just a jaunt away from Russell and Kiwanis. There is a large window facing a field. It is warm, clean, and inviting.   There are 3 beautiful, live trees in the yoga room.   There is plenty of space with a yoga friendly floor.   East Bank Yoga operates out of Hills on select Tuesdays so register for class at or 605.759.7459.   Class will take place on Tuesdays, 11/8 and 11/22, 6:00-7:00 pm. Yoga is a practice of peace.    Breathing mindfully is a path to grounding. Inhale slowly “I am whole.” Exhale slowly peace. Namaste, Jill Moncur
  Satya means connecting with truth. Practicing yoga is one way to connect with our inner light.   Breathing deeply, fuels the flames of well-being.   Each day is a fresh opportunity to connect with the beauty of nature.   I had 2 baby hummingbirds visit my flowers yesterday.   Embrace a path that nurtures your soul.   East Bank Yoga calendar is updated on a monthly basis. Namaste, Jill Moncur
  Asana is one of the eight limbs of classical yoga which states that asana should be steady and comfortable, firm yet relaxed. More than just stretching, asana open the energy channels, chakras and psychic centers of the body. Life is a process and a skill so let’s take the time to know yoga and let it know us. Tuesday’s, 2/1, 2/15 6:00-7:00pm Yoga at the Studio * Based on the unpredictability of COVID cases Tuesday evening class at the studio will require registration 24-48 hours in advance at or text 605.759.7459.   A minimum of 4 participants required to hold a studio class.   There has been a consistent Zoom group on Tuesdays.   If a minimum of 4 for the studio is not met class will be available via Zoom.     Drop-in rate $12.00 or punch card purchase available.   Check, cash or Venmo accepted.   Remaining Tuesday evenings on Zoom.   Please let me know 24 hours in advance if you plan to join the Zoom c...
Warm Greetings I will be back in the studio on the following dates: Saturday, 9/4, 9:00-10:00am Good Morning Yoga Thursday, 9/17 5:00-6:00pm Bachelorette Yoga Class (private class) Tuesday, 9/21, 6:00-7:00pm  Hatha Yoga Saturday, 10/2 9:00-10:00am Good Morning Yoga Saturday, 10/16, 9:00-10:00am Good Morning Yoga Tuesday, 10/19, 6:00-7:00pm Hatha Yoga There is a dance class in the yellow studio that ends at 5:45 on Tuesday evenings so please arrive closer to 5:52 so I have an opportunity to set up the room for you. Drop in rate is $12.00.  Participants who have been taking the Zoom classes punch cards are valid. Cash, Venmo or check accepted.  Some mats will be available.  If you have additional questions please contact or 605.759.7459. The remaining Tuesday evening class will be taught via Zoom.  Registration is required at 24 hours prior to class. I look forward to seeing you and honoring the yoga journey. Namaste, ...
I am looking forward to teaching yoga this evening via the Zoom platform that has been a safeguard platform since March. We meet with a good mind.   Movement comes from spirit. As I feel this delightful enthusiasm to teach class I am reminded and share, with a regular energy or yoga practice you tap into the energy source within you. This evenings class will begin with a singing bowl meditation, tapping into harmony within.   Followed with a let’s go, let go warm warmup, a few strength challenges, and then flowing into a Shakti sequence connecting with your divine light and energy. Registration required 24 hours prior to class at Class price $12.00 or punch card purchase.   See website for more information. Namaste, Jill Moncur