Finding your balance
This is not going to be a cliché editorial on pursuing balance in your life.  Upon writing that I do note that regular practice of yoga is going to increase our ability to handle the more difficult situations we may encounter.
I would like to review balance asanas/poses.  It’s my experience that most people enjoy balance poses.  We can all relate to the times we seemingly float up and hold our balance on one leg, the wobbly then stable times, and then the just plain it’s not going to happen time.  Maybe just one foot is going to protest and balance and the other foot is fine.  Let go of judgment in yoga, let go of striving.  Find beauty where you are at, in the moment, realizing if we were all expert yogi’s we would not have the opportunity to explore the mind body journey.   We need the opportunity once in a while to be gentle with ourselves or laugh at ourselves.  If you find your foot wobbling while in a balance pose think of the strength and flexibility you are developing in your foot. 
If you look to balance for what it really means, nothing is happening. 
Join me for Beginner's Yoga on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 or check the website for Saturday, 9:00 am classes.
Jill Moncur, RYT-200

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