
Within the last 2 months I've taught A Guide to Meditation class and hosted 2 meditation sessions. 3 participants indicated relief from knee pain.  When the third person mentioned relief from knee pain after meditation I began to wonder what could be occurring through meditation that brought on pain relief? Part of meditation is "letting go" and perhaps these individuals were able to give themselves some much needed relaxation therefore releasing some tension. 
My regular yoga clients are aware of the appreciation I get from sharing meditation with them briefly at the start of class.  Last week I let my class know my thoughts wandered during meditation to how it made me feel good to know that through our short yet consistent practice of meditation I thought of each of their backs and the strength they are building in their lower backs resulting from our practice.  Strengthening our core, strengthening our core self.  Yoga gives back !  I hope you are smiling as I am at the dual meaning.  At least I can make myself smile!
Wishing you all warmth on your journey.
Jill Moncur

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